You wanted a #PeoplesVote you've just had a Peoples Vote and, yet again the British public has voted to leave! Now if you can't accept that, then you'll be responsible for Farage as Prime Minister in 2022!
"Leave now or have Farage running the country, it's your choice."
If only it were that simple
@wyliecoyoteuk But it is, it's only supposedly complicated for two reasons:
1. To try make people stay with it.
2. Clinging to small points that in relation to 'the whole' is irrelevant.
It all went wrong when Parliament was given a say in the process. When Farage wins in 2022 he'll have a big enough majority that there won't be any more arguments. LOL
1.The percentage of brexit party votes were lower in total than those for parties campaigning for remain.
2. The turnout was less than 38%
3. The Tories are suffering because of the Brexit mess, but there is no guarantee that would be reflected in a general election.
So the mess drags on, causing more and more damage.
@wyliecoyoteuk The Tory's have had it if Farage stays on the scene, mark my words. Only a fool would discount him as unimportant, that was the mistake everyone made prior to the referendum and look just how influential he was with that.
Unfortunately the leave camp seem to have a choice between a selection of shysters. Which sort of defines that portion of the vote.
@wyliecoyoteuk One could argue that the remain camp is desperate to keep their snouts in the trough given most of them are in the luxurious South. #TeeHee
You must ask yourself.
If Brexiteers are so sure no deal is "The will of the people" why are they so afraid of a second referendum?
@wyliecoyoteuk I think this is where 𝗘𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘆𝗼𝗻𝗲 is making the mistake and why it's all such a mess. Certain sections of society are looking at this with their 𝗼𝘄𝗻 agenda and 𝗻𝗼𝘁 what is actually the issue at stake.
The general population couldn't give a flying fart 𝗪𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗗𝗲𝗮𝗹 we have even if it's no deal. They just want to leave! They just want to know we've left. It's then and only then Brit's will start to care and moan about the fine details. LOL
All the evidence points to the country being near evenly divided over this, the referendum was a narrow leave victory, another one would probably be a narrow remain victory.
Either way half the population will be pissed off.
It's not surprising this has gone on so long.
There is no easy way out. Meanwhile we continue with self inflicted harm.
@wyliecoyoteuk You seem surprised? The British are well known for enjoying a bit of self