Morning All
So apparently, Kier Starmer has offered himself to Trump.
@dick_turpin Fake News! It was Macron who touched The Donald's leg when he lied. Our man was Very British. He held up his hand to signal "Stop your BS!", like a King's Council should.
@woo @dick_turpin Starmer was a bit touchy-feely with Trump's arm. I felt uncomfortable seeing that. And I'd like to unsee that image.
@neildarlow @dick_turpin I tend to avoid anything that shows Trump's stupid face. :-)
[ After my last toot, I should probably point out that I don't hate ALL Americans, just the ones who STILL promote the gurning fascist slum landlord to the educationally unwashed of Southern North America. ]
@woo Na, Macron was bending the truth. The EU has given loans just like the US has. However, Macron did the usual misdirection of saying that the EU has given Grants and wads of Euros in brown paper bags, insinuating that they won't get those back but they should get their loans back unless Ukraine loses, of course.
@dick_turpin Politics is 'bending the truth'. Breaking the truth like he breaks his promises should be a criminal offence. They'll probably only ever get him on tax fraud, like Al Capone.
@woo I suspect he's learned his lessons from last time and will invoke an executive order that he can't be prosecuted once he leaves office.
@dick_turpin This is why people shouldn't elect known criminals.
@woo I thought they were all criminals, one way or another.
@dick_turpin If the legal system chose a criminal to be Director of Public Prosecution, all bets on the future of the UK are off. We are defenceless, like the USA and Ukraine.
@woo There have been a few Home Secretaries with convictions, so I suspect it's just a matter of time.