Whoever had #Arsenal as the first club to get a player sent off for time wasting raise your hand.”
“Oh, everybody. OK, well done everybody.”
It’s going to be interesting to see if the authorities stand up to Little Micky Arteta, who has definitely not taken gamesmanship to levels even Pep Guardiola would consider to be a Bit Much.
(Ditto for Nice Guy Eddie up in Newcastle.) #Football #mastodonfc
But we see with the #greenwood situation at #ManUtd and, well, everything #Newcastle just how far journalists will go to avoid upsetting clubs to protect their access.
Obviously turning a blind eye to deliberate and cynical gamesmanship is a mile away from defending an abuser or sportwashing a country but it’s a symptom of the same thing.
“I prefer to report on on-pitch events.”
“Such as coaching to fake injuries, con the officials and waste time?”
“Don’t be silly.”