Os tecidos na pintura de Sandro Botticelli (Florença, 1 de Março de 1445 – 17 de Maio de 1510).
Os tecidos na pintura de Sandro Botticelli (Florença, 1 de Março de 1445 – 17 de Maio de 1510).
Mulheres, na pintura de Sandro Botticelli (Florença, 1 de Março de 1445 – 17 de Maio de 1510).
Em 3’21”.
Dziś obchodzimy rocznicę urodzin Sandro Botticellego (1445–1510), wybitnego włoskiego malarza renesansowego. Jego dzieła, takie jak „Narodziny Wenus” czy „Wiosna”, zachwycają subtelnością linii i poetycką stylistyką. Twórczość Botticellego na zawsze wpisała się w kanon sztuki, inspirując kolejne pokolenia artystów. #Botticelli (fot. Wikipedia)
#SANMARINO 2010 #2euro commemorativo "500° anniv. morte Sandro #Botticelli"
@europesays @walknews @byteseu @glnews_mirror
This week's theme is #ChristmasTrees.
(It's #HootinTootinTuesday again! Post some jokes or funny memes under this hashtag today, and bring lots of smiles to #Mastodon.)
Some paintings by Botticelli in the La Galleria dell’Accademia di Firenze in Florence, Italy, on 13 Oct 2024. "Madonna and Child with Saints", "Madonna and Child with the Child Saint John and Two Angels" and "Madonna of the Sea".
"Why Does Botticelli’s the ‘Birth of Venus’ Still Mesmerize Us Today?"
The painting doesn't actually show the goddess's birth, for starters—and other facts you might not know about this Renaissance masterpiece.
#Culture #Art #ArtHistory #Botticelli
Primavera Spring Sandro Botticelli Uffizi Gallery Florence Italy
Primavera is a large painting by the Italian Renaissance painter Sandro Botticelli. It has been described as "one of the most written about, and most controversial paintings in the world", and also "one of the most popular paintings in Western art".
Read more: https://waynemoranphotography.com/blog/top-10-reasons-to-visit-florence-italy/
#Florence #Italy #UffiziGallery #Uffizi #fineart #artGallery #Botticelli
La storia attraverso le euro monete
#17maggio 1510 muore a #Firenze Sandro Botticelli, pittore italiano
#Italia #SanMarino #SandroBotticelli #Botticelli
Discovering transcendent beauty in #ClevelandMuseumofArt's The Birth of Venus. Its intricate portrayal awash with divine allure. Isn't art the ultimate mirror to the soul?
#ArtLover #Botticelli #ClevelandArt
Today's pick: The Punishment of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram (1482) - Botticelli. #art #Botticelli #Moses #SistineChapel
Today's pick: The Annunciation (c. 1485) - Botticelli. #art #Botticelli #Annunciation
Sandro Botticelli -- St Sebastian
This 1474 depiction of the beauty of the male body, classical in inspiration and serene in mood, is one of my favourite Botticelli paintings.
#UffiziGalleries sue #JeanPaulGaultier over use of #Botticelli images | #Italy | The Guardian
This seems ridiculous to me. The #art is in the #PublicDomain or it should be and so nobody should be able to dictate its use or reuse, even for commercial purposes.