Misty morning in Cornwall.
Debate: Gardening or IKEA?
@wyliecoyoteuk Internet cruising. Ikea or Gardening? pfft, what are you? Retired? Next you be visiting B&Q every Tuesday for Pensioner rates.
B and Q?
Is that some strange Westmidlandshire
We south western people don't get such luxuries.
@wyliecoyoteuk #stunned You don't know B&Q? What is this sheltered cosy life you've been living? https://www.diy.com/
I faintly recall it from my former life in the urban sprawl.
The nearest we get down here is Trago Mills, a sort of cross between John Lewis, Homebase and a jumble sale.
The one in Newton Abbott has an amusement park.
@wyliecoyoteuk Get your arse down the"Play Zone" lol
@wyliecoyoteuk "Jumble Sale" LOL
@dick_turpin @wyliecoyoteuk Saturday was b&q here - used their free timber cutting service; bought a piece of board, got all the bits cut and all I had to do was drill & screw together and had a shelf for my paperwork.