Myth and Marble at is a really cool exhibit. Odd they have it mostly in the Modern Wing, tho #Chicago #ArtInstitute
Myth and Marble at is a really cool exhibit. Odd they have it mostly in the Modern Wing, tho #Chicago #ArtInstitute
Today's Flickr photo with the most hits: the Georgian rotunda.
A detail from one of the miniature rooms at the Art Institute, Chicago.
Today's Flickr photo with the most hits: Judith and Holofernes, by Van Hamessen (1540). You can see it in the Chicago Art Institute.
Today's Flickr photo with the most hits - this still life by Henri Fantin-Latour. You can stand - rapt - before it, if you visit the Art Institute, in Chicago. The sugar bowl... fabulous.
Today's Flickr photo with the most hits: the Chicago Art Institute, and a Metra train.
Today's Flickr photo with the most hits: this portrait by John Singer Sargent. You can swoon over it in the Art Institute, Chicago.
Today's Flickr photo with the most hits was taken in the Art Institute, Chicago. Here's the Georgian Drawing Room from their 'Miniatures' Collection.
#georgian #architecture #room
#miniature #chicago #ArtInstitute
Today's Flickr photo with the most hits: haystack in winter - Claude Monet. You can see it (along with its companion pieces) in the Art Institute, Chicago.
Today's Flickr photo(s) with the most hits: the miniature rooms at the Art Institute, Chicago. These tiny, doll's house, constructions show rooms from different historical periods / locations.
Here's a fine Georgian bathroom.
Today's Flickr photo with the most hits was taken in Chicago, at the Art Institute. The canvas, painted by Tiepolo, shows Armida - abandoned by Rinaldo.
The Art Institute has four large canvases depicting episodes from the story.
The story - itself adapted from an epic poem, set at the time of the First Crusade - was further adapted to become the first Italian language opera Handel wrote for the London stage.