How to speak annoyingly with intent and technique a.k.a the post-nuclear(?) drop speech pattern:
Petition to change English pronunciation rules so that felon is pronounced "fee-lawn" (as opposed to "fee-line"), but only when discussing Elon Musk.
Elon the Felon has such a nice ring to it! Or if you're short on space, FElon (bonus: it can be read as fuck Elon!)
#english #words #elon #elonmusk #musk #felon #elonthefelon #pronunciation #humor (only kind of) #humour #fuckelon
I don't know how people usually pronounce it, but I propose to treat the B in WEBM and WEBP as silent, pronouncing it like "wem" and "wep". The B doesn't add any necessary auditory information but makes it harder to pronounce. #webm #webp #pronunciation
I came across this old page put together by Maria Gouskova that I had bookmarked elsewhere with how to pronounce linguists names that aren't obvious.
It won't be useful to a lot of people, but for those of us who need it, it's VERY useful!
When Brits or Americans try to fix an appointment with a German woman, they sometimes earn themselves a slap in the face. The reason is that they try to say "I want to see you tonight" in German: "Ich möchte Sie heute Nacht sehen." Unable to pronounce the "ch", they say something like "Ick mockte Sie heute nackt sehen." Meaning: I want to see you naked today.
#pronunciation – so important.
#Psalms 1 #EasyEnglish #Bible is now available on our YouTube channel.
You can listen to it on .
Dear USA,
The word is HERBS
Note the ‘H’
It is not ‘ERBS’
If you insist on dropping first letters, ask that Rump guy,
For language lovers:
A funny video about English pronunciation is going round.
If you like that one, and if you stumble over the same words, this will have you rolling over the floor laughing. Read out loud
TIL that the "My" in MySQL is not the English word my the Swedish name My, for the daughter of #MySQL co-founder Michael Widenius. ♡
The name My was introduced by Tove Jansson for the #Moomins character Little My, who is named after the Greek letter mu.
So you could pronounce My as [ˈmyː] or as [maɪ].
Never mind how to pronounce SQL.
MySQL documentation defines the official #pronunciation as “My Ess Que Ell” but the devs in Swedish say "mü-ess-ku-ell".
Sources in reply.
when #reading and #writing get bogged down in #spelling -
How #Dyslexia Changes in Other Languages
@orthographies #phonology #picturewriting #lettersounds #languages #pronunciation #visualspatial #decoding
Today I learned that I have been pronouncing "worcestershire sauce" wrong my entire life.
Interesting. According to Brent Spiner (the actor who plays the android Data in Star Trek: The Next Generation)
1) it was Patrick Stewart's UK pronunciation of his character's name (day-tah instead of the US's dah-tah) that made this pronunciation canon, and
2) the character of Data and the popularity of Star Trek has led to "day-tah" now being the common pronunciation in the US, too. (π min)
@Geojoek @ve3qbz @kf7ccc @salubrium
Hoo, boy, yeah, our #English #Pronunciation does not only vary, but shift. And it shifts very quickly, all while people are irritated by younger people (or people a few hundred KM away) "are pronouncing it wrong!"
But you reminded me of a customer support phone call I made, & she was having trouble understanding the order number (or whatever) so I used the ICAO Phonetics.
She got pissed because her sister's name is Ciara, and you can guess the rest.
#TheMetalDogArticleList #Medium What Heavy Metal Singers are Stealing from Cookie Monster — And How You Can Growl Like a Beast… #Humor #Funny #CookieMonster #HeavyMetal #MetalVocals #ThroatPower #BreathControl #Pronunciation #MetalPersona #MetalMusic #DeathMetal
What Heavy Metal Singers are Stealing from Cookie Monster — And How You Can Growl Like a Beast…
Okay what the fuck
SQL is "sequel" (I knew that)
but PostgreSQL is, for some reason, "post gres Q L"
We have a standards issue.
Finally (20 years later) learning SQL. Told my partner the cool kids pronounce it "sequel." She said, "I figured it would be 'squeal."
I like her version better.